th details of the film ?Love?Family Love?Friendship?Righteousness(正义)РLOVEРSzpilman and Dorata? fell in love with each? other. РWhen Szpilman was ?being forced into the?ghetto(犹太区)РLOVEРBut it’s not a? breach. Р Their love? had upgraded? to friendship.Р《The Wedding March》? A happy coupleРFamily loveРwatching video。。。?Helina and Henryk give up the chance to live and choose to be with their family. Do you think they are stupid????Friendship?watching video。。。?How Szpilman managed to survive with his friends’ help.РRighteousness(正义)РSzpilman played an? amazing piece…? The music impressed? the German captain…РThe whole family-photo?of the German captain?(a human person)РWhy did he die??? ?The massacre is not the German mistake. It’s just war itself. No matter who triumphed, they are both cruel.