
新概念一册Lesson 55The Sawyer family 课件.

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oes your father/mother do??What do you do after school everyday??What do your parents do after work everyday?РSay something about your family with the help of these questionsРLook at the short video and then answer this question.РWhen do the ?Children do their homework ?РThey do their homework at night.РListen again, and answer these questions:?Where do the Sawyers live?Р2.In the morning, what does Mr. Sawyer do? What do the children do? What does Mrs. Sawyer do?РMr. Sawyer goes to work.РThe children go to school.РMrs. Sawyer stays at home and does the housework.РThe sawyer familyРThe Sawyers live at 87 King Street.Р1Р在姓氏后加s,前面加上定冠词the,表示某某一家人,如:the SmithsРlive :住,生活(是个不及物动词)Рlive in :用于街道,城市前Рlive at :用于具体的门牌号前РThey live at 87 king street.? They live in king street. ?They live in Chengdu.


