??1613 Bacon es attorney general.(首席检察官)??1620 Publishes New Instrument . 《新工具》?1621 Created Viscount St. Albans. ?1622 Presents to Prince Charles the History of Henry VII. ? Publishes Historia Ventorum and Historia Vitae et Mortis. .??1623 Publishes De Augmentis Scientiarum.??1624 Publishes Apothegms.??1626 Catches cold and develops bronchitis, dying on April 9РBacon’s Wife :?Alice Barnham BaconРBacon’s worksРPhilosophical:? The Advancement of Learning 《学术的推进》1605? New Instrument 《新工具》1620?2. Literary:? Essays 《论说文集》? The New Atlantics (a utopian novel published in 1626) 《新大西岛》?3. Professional: ? Maxim of the Law 《法律原理》? The Reading on the Statute of Uses《法令使用读本》РBacon’s EssaysР1.“Of Studies”论学习? (the most popular of Bacon’s 58 essays)?2.“Of Wisdom”论智慧?3.“Of Death”论死亡?4.“Of Friendship”论友谊