
《Project2Ourfriends》课件小学英语译林版三年级起点五年级上册 5

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e … very much. ?Yes, we do. Yes, we do.? We all like … very much. ?Let’s go and … today.РTry to make a new song in groups of four. Pay attention to your body actions. ?(四人小组试着编一首新歌,注意你们的肢体动作哦。)РFriend Club朋友俱乐部РSing the songРPlay gamesР2РIf you want to join the club,open the boxes and finish the tasks.?如果你想加入俱乐部,就打开盒子完成里面的任务哦!РGame timeРGame 1 Word puzzle (单词拼拼看)РGame 2 Brain storm (句子说说看)РGame 3 Careless man (段落找找错)РGame 1 Word puzzle (单词拼拼看)РsРeРfРiРeРnРdРw o r k rРa r m e rРd i v e rРp o l c e m a nРt a c h e rРu r s eРo c t o rРMy father is a . He makes cars.РMy mother is a . She works on the farm.РLily’s uncle is a . He drives a bus.РrРJane’s grandpa is a . He catches thieves(捉贼).РI’m a . I teach English.РJim’s aunt is a . She helps sick people.РSu Hai’s father is a . He is very cool.


