, yuan and Ming dynasties han clothes to wear for the hanfu.【 tang hu feng's worn by the conference semifinals, of course, not hanfu 】Р古装Ancient costumeР古代服饰 ancient dressР演化服饰影视装、影楼装、戏曲服、cos服等?Evolution of clothing, film and television outfit, studio, drama clothing, cos, etcР古代汉民族服饰The ancient han nationality costumesР古代其他民族服饰Ancient other ethnic costumesР汉服与古装的区别Р古代汉服?the acent Han FuР汉服 Han FuРThe difference between the hanfu and costumeР复原西汉曲裾袍?Recovery of the western han dynasty song fringing robeР复原东汉早期直裾袍服?Early recovery of the eastern han dynasty straight fringing robesР复原盛唐纱罗襦裙?Recovery of tang gauze Ru skirtР复原唐代开元年开浅色圆领袍?Tang kaiyuan years open light round collar robeР复原宋代褙子?Recovery in song dynasty BeiZiР戏曲服装?Chinese opera costumesР影楼装?Studio is installedРcos古装?Cos the costume