
美国文学课件 ppt

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ased on a German folktale. Rip Van Winkle is an amiable farmer who wanders into the Catskill Mountains, where es upon a group of dwarfs playing ninepins. Rip accepts their offer of a drink of liquor and promptly falls asleep. When he awakens, 20 years later, he is an old man with a long, white beard; the dwarfs are nowhere in sight. Rip goes into town and finds that everything is changed: his wife is dead, his children are grown, and e Washington's portrait hangs in place of King e III's. The old man entertains the townspeople with tales of the old days and of his encounter with the little men in the Catskill mountains .? 2)ments(其他)? 这篇小说乡土风味浓郁,充满浪漫主义奇想,流露出作者本人的保守观点,也巧妙暗示了资产阶级革命的局限。小说反映了两大主题,一是避世(seclusion or solitude)。瑞普为躲避悍妻的咒骂离家出走就是对现实生活的逃避。再就是变革(social reform), 瑞普在山中只一宿,人Р2018/7/28Р10


