ontal plane instead of vertically as in anterior teeth.РProf. A. El- SahnРe)?The contact areas of premolars (and molars) are nearly at the same level, broad and are more cervically than those for anterior teeth.РProf. A. El- SahnРg)?Their cervical line is less curved proximally.Рf)?Proximally, the crests of curvatures of both al and lingual surfaces of the crown are more occlusal than the corresponding crests of curvature in anterior teeth.РProf. A. El- SahnРThe premolars assist the canines in tearing of food by the sharp cusps of first premolars and assist the molars in mastication of food.?The premolars function with molars in maintaining the vertical dimension of the face.?They support the corners of the mouth and cheeks to keep them from sagging.РProf. A. El- SahnРFUNCTION OF PREMOLARS