
新职业英语通用版第二册Unit 3

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bjectives so you are entitled to some relaxation.РText A-4РReading AРIf you are there on Friday, but your work must be continued on Monday, most businesses would rather pay for two nights in a hotel and meals than fly you home and back out again. So you can keep your rental car and simply put aside your business for a while and really explore the local haunts.РText A-5РReading AРTo find those unique events in town that not many know about, you can read the local paper and look for those little local culture or arts papers. They will carry details of festivals going on around the area as well as what is happening in the clubs and theaters. You may find a regional celebration not far away that you can be part of, and pretend to be a local for a few hours and have plenty of fun along the way.


