Unit 5?What are the shirts made of?РUnit 5?What are the shirts made of?РSection A 1a-3cРLearn how to ask for information ? politely ?2. Talk about directions?3. Learn to write a guide to a place ?4. Describe a place using adjectivesРObjectivesРWhat are these things? Say the names in English.РchopsticksРbowlРWhat are these things? Say the names in English.РstampРwindowРWhat are these things? Say the names in English.РforkРcoinРWhat are these things? Say the names in English.РblouseРringРWhat are these things? Say the names in English.РgoldРglassРgold barsРWhat are these things? Say the names in English.РsteelРsilverРWhat are these things? Say the names in English.РcottonРwood