
【2013最新】冀教版八年级英语上册lesson 28 A Family Picnic精美课件(共22张PPT)

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…放在……上面РDo you want to have a ic?РWhat will you bring for a ic?РvegetablesРfruitsРmeatРdrinksРWho do you see in the picture??What do you see in the picture??What is/are he/she/they doing?РLРKРSilent ReadingРRead the lesson and fill in the blanks.? It is _______ today. My family and I ?are going on a _______ near the lake.?Bob is _________ a big _______ of ?food. My dog Rover is with us, too.?What is my mum doing? She is ?_______ a salad.РsunnyРicРcarryingРbasketРmakingРI’m ________ the food and drinks on?a __________. There are lots of fruits and vegetables for us. I have some ________ for Rover, too.? My dad is making __________. Look out, Dad! Rover is eating the meat.АWhat are Bob and Lynn doing??They are _________. ?They are _______.РputtingРtableclothРcookiesРsandwichesРpaintingРquiet


