made up of Canada?РGeographic regionsРFive geographic regions ? Canada can be divided into five geographic regions, and each of them has a distinct landscape and climate. They are?The Atlantic Region ?The Central Region?The Prairie Region?The Pacific Region ?The Northern RegionРLakesРCanada has numerous lakes which cover about 7.6% of its landmass.??The Great Lakes The largest group of freshwater lakes in the world РNiagara Falls one of the most spectacular natural wonders on the North American continentРRiver?马更些河(the Mackenzie River):the longest river ?of CanadaР圣劳伦斯河(Saint Lawrence River):??One of the most important rivers in North America, it is a waterway of the five great lakes.Р(Geography)Р苏必利尔湖(Lake Superior)Р 休伦湖(Lake Huron)Р 密歇根湖(Lake Michigan)Р 伊利湖(Lake Erie)Р 安大略湖(Lake Ontario)