РThis course features? and design specialty features? according to the teaching content?Take the conventional teaching methods, lectures?and go out sketching bination of teaching methods?And training to train the students' creative ability through a variety of thinking divergence?Attention to stimulate studentsР教学设计?Instructional DesignР2.教学方法?基础图案概论与装饰变形手法采取课堂讲授和课外写生的方式授课?二方、四方、适合纹样的设计采取多媒体辅助教学?图片欣赏与分析形式授课,?综合纹样采取边练习边各别辅导形式授课。РIntroduction to the basis of pictorial? and decorative deformation approach taken in classroom and extra-curricular sketch teaching?Two parties, the Quartet,?the design of suitable patterns take the Multimedia Assisted Instruction Pictures and analysis ?The form of lectures, integrated patterns take the side of practice? while individualcounseling forms of teaching