

上传者:火锅鸡 |  格式:ppt  |  页数:21 |  大小:208KB

she saw me approaching, her hand squashed flat the sand castle she had been building, and she looked at me sullenly, without speaking.?Eg I ignore her rebuff?Eg “who gives a good goddamn” she saidР② lively and rebelliousРEg Her face, so stolid and expressionless before, was animated now with a gaiety that was almost violent. her lipstick was bright carmine, and her hair was cut short and frizzily permed.?Eg you kids goin’ to the dance. “y’e”piquette said. “I never miss one, It’s just about the on’y thing in this jerkwater town that’s any fun. Boy ,you couldn’ catch me stayin’ here. I don’ give a shit about this place. It stinks.”?Eg I caught the harsh over sweetness of her perfume.?Eg Her defiant face, momentarily, became unguarded and unmasked, and in her eyes there was a terrifying hope.


