u know everything happens for a reason?凡事有因?Here is a story to, to everything?每件事都有故事?And if you take time to realize what your dream is?你要去发现自己的梦想?You have to realize that there is always work to do?你得意识到,脚步不能停歇?And you want to be the hardest-working person in whatever you do?你要在自己的领域做最刻苦的人?You put yourself the position to be essful?努力使自己成功?You have to have a passion about what you do.”Р“It doesn't matter where e from?不管你来自哪里?What do you have or don't have?你有什么或没什么?What you lack, what you have too much of?你缺什么或富于什么?But all you need to have is undying passion for what you do?永远对你做的事有激情?What you choose do in this life?对你自己的选择有激情?Whatever you put your mind to?不管你对什么感兴趣?Make sure you live in the moment?确保自己活在当下?And wok your butt off every single day?每天努力前进Р—Stephen Curry Speech of MVP in 2015