obligation to play a trump in this case).РHow to playР?РHow to scoreР?РCard-point valueРRankРAРKРQРJР10Р9Р8Р7Р6Р5Р4Р3Р2РValueР4Р3Р2Р1Р10Р0РScoring pointsРNameРDescriptionРPointsРReceiverРHighРhighest trump outР1Рoriginal owner =?eventual ownerРLowРlowest trump outР1Рoriginal ownerРJackРJack of trumpsР1Рeventual ownerРGameРmost card-points in tricksР1Рeventual ownerРContentРThe novel is mainly about a lawsuit of a game called “seven up”.РIt is an argument of the game “seven up” should be identified as "a game of science" or "a game of chance”.РSome boys were detected and charged playing “seven up” for money because it is said that “seven up” is “ a game of chance”.РThen a man, Jim Sturgis, who was retained to defend them when the case came up claimed that “seven up” is “a game of science”.