are inside the lion. In a dragon dance, the performers' faces can be easily seen since the dragon is held on poles.Р2.History of Lion DanceРThe Lion Dance is one of the most ?widespread folk dances in China. The lion is the king of animals.РoriginРReputedly,lion was introduced from the Western Region(西域) with the Buddhism(佛教), as the Manjushri's mount(文殊菩萨的坐骑).РThe dance has a recorded history of more than 2,000 years. ?During the Tang Dynasty, the Lion Dance was already introduced into the royal family.Р西凉伎白居易Р 西凉伎,西凉伎,假面胡人假狮子。? 刻木为头丝作尾,金镀眼睛银帖齿。? 奋迅毛衣摆双耳,如从流沙来万里。? 紫髯深目两胡儿,鼓舞跳粱前致辞。? 应似凉州未陷日,安西都护进来时。? 须臾云得新消息,安西路绝归不得。? 泣向狮子涕双垂,凉州陷没知不知。? 狮子回头向西望,哀吼一声观者悲。? 贞元边将爱此曲,醉坐笑看看不足。? 享宾犒士宴监军,狮子胡儿长在目。? 有一征夫年七十,见弄凉州低面泣。Р3.Types of Lion DancesРGentleРWildРbranchРNorthern lion dancingРSouthern lion dancing