

上传者:塑料瓶子 |  格式:ppt  |  页数:20 |  大小:1799KB

e and attainment were two different matters ;life had not taught that the race was not to the swift .She lay in the silvery shadows with courage rising and made the plans that a sixteen-year-old girl makes when life has been so pleasant that defeat is an impossibility and a pretty dress and a plexion are weapons to vanquish fate.Р她扬起下巴。她那眼圈黑黑的,失色的双眼在月光下闪亮着。埃伦从不曾教过她愿望和如愿是完全不同的两码事。生活也没有教会她捷足者未必总能先登。她躺在迷蒙的月色下。勇气倍增地安排着一个十六岁女孩所能够设想的计划。在这样的年龄,生活中总是充满欢乐,失败似乎不可能发生。若要征服命运,只要有漂亮的衣服和洁白的皮肤做武器就足够了。РSoon, the Civil War broke out in the United States. Not after long, the northern people invaded Atlanta, and the people in the city left Atlanta, so did Scarlett .? Scarlett struggled to return home only to find that the war has destroyed her beloved Tara. Her mother is dead and her father es insane (精神错乱的).


