

上传者:苏堤漫步 |  格式:ppt  |  页数:128 |  大小:8847KB

rn society? Watch & Discuss Text A Exercises Around the Topic Section B Section C “ Boys will be boys, and girls will be girls ” is a deeply rooted conviction held by people in ancient China. In the old days, women are supposed to do things women must do, like doing the laundry and cooking, caring for the children and taking care of their husband, spinning and weaving, etc. Lucky as Mu Lan who was good at many things, such as fighting, running, shooting, riding, and even reading and writing, which are only supposed to what boys can do, still her place is “ in the home ”. Mu Lan is sixteen now and “ old enough to marry a good husband ” according to her mother. 1. What do you think of “ Boys will be boys ”? What does it imply?


