
英语:unit 16《Stories》munication Workshop (北师大版选修6)

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rder of events Because the school bus did not … First, I had to wait 30 minutes for the school bus … The day started to go wrong the instant I left home. ks5u 精品课件 At school, Mr. fan … The next problem happened when I arrived at school. But the trouble was only just beginning. ks5u 精品课件 When I got into bed that night, I … The last problem of this terrible day happened when I got into Even then, my troubles were not over. As I got into bed, … ks5u 精品课件 This was a big mistake! … and you can imagine how I felt by the time. What a clumsy end to an awful day! How the writer s hares feelings with the reader ks5u 精品课件 How the writer used vivid language to make the writing more interesting It was hot and tiresome. The day was hot and tiring. The sun was already boiling hot …


