A film about a war and a person. ?影片改编自二战上等兵军医戴斯蒙德·道斯的真实经历,讲述他拒绝携带武器上战场,并在冲绳战役中赤手空拳救下 75位战友的传奇故事。?The film adapted from the World War II Lance Corporal Desmond Dawes tells the military real experience, he refused to carry weapons on the battlefield, and legend in the battle of Okinawa bare-handed rescued rades. Main characters Real peaple When he is young,one day Desmond Doss figet with his brother and hurt him. From then on,hurting brother and his father ’s painfully sad rades( 战友) let him realise preciousness oflife. He thought he could not hide behind his fellow countrymen as a coward. So he decided to join the army