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e a message for me? Can you tell him to call back? call on sb 拜访某人③ call at, at 一般和地点相连④ call at+ 地点= visit someplace 拜访某地 I will call on you. I will call at your home .= ? call out =shout, 大声喊⑤ call in sb: 招集和邀请某人⑥ For the project, the government called in a lot of experts. Notes on the text ? move to : 搬到 knock at: 敲 knock at the door knock at the window ? knock sb.out 把某人打昏? knock...over 把...撞到? knock...off... 把...从。。。碰掉? knock 20%off the price. 让利 20% ? beer;bear ask sb for sth: 问某人要什么东西; request for for; 为了这个目的去请求某人, sb 更多的时候不出现, ask for sth The boy asked for money again/once more . 动动手,看看会了吗? 1. He didn ’ t know how to fight, but he knocked the box er____. 2. The flower pot is broken, who knocked it ___ _____ ?3. Listen! Someone is knocking ___ the window. out over at


