‘ t want to run away to follow cameraman, two people painful split up... after a long time, two people put all the love deeply buried in the heart, until two people died, their ashes (骨灰) were scattered into the bridge... 《廊桥遗梦》讲的是一位人到中年有家庭和孩子的女人,和一位远道而来要去拍摄位于麦迪森县的罗斯曼桥的摄影师。她主动提出为他带路,两人就此相识,并最终擦出爱的火花。 4天的相处很快过去了,她考虑到家庭和责任,不愿追随摄影师出走, 两人痛苦地分了手……在以后的漫长日子里,两人把所有的相思都深深地埋在心里, 直到两人去世,他们的骨灰都被撒到了廊桥桥畔……?演唱? e Benson ?歌曲名?《 Nothing's gonna change my love for you 》?中文歌名?《此情永不移》 I'ing to you as ing to me for so long. Although we haven't know each other before the date. 我要向你走去,你向我走来已经很久了。虽然我们相会之前谁也不知道对方的存在。 Now I want to keep it forever , I want to love you the way I do now for the rest of my life. 我希望永远保留着份爱,我希望终生都能这样的爱你。 This kind of certainty comes once in a lifetime. 这样确切的爱,一生只有一次。