of Blizzard Entertainment The headquarters of Blizzard Entertainment is based in California 5 This is a statue is in front of the Blizzard office building . And it is made in China. The sculptors who make it also join the movie ‘ The Lord of the rings (指环王) ’ to help the actors make-up. Around the statue ,there are 8 creeds of Blizzard making game 6 Gameplay first 趣味第一 Learn & grow 学无止境 Embrace your inner geek 拥抱真我 Play nice paly fair 诚信为本 7 Think globally mit to quality 精益求精 Every voice matters 集思广益 Lead responsibly 王者风范 The game of Blizzard Entertainment There are not lots of games that Blizzard made ,but all of them are high-quality. And there is an old saying in China ‘ Taking ten years to sharpen a sword (十年磨一剑) ’ Blizzard is doing so.