
数据结构与算法 data structures and algorithms

上传者:蓝天 |  格式:ppt  |  页数:44 |  大小:0KB

reation: Set up a new function.3. Creation: Set up a new function.4. Clearing: Remove all elements from the index set I , so there is no 4. Clearing: Remove all elements from the index set I , so there is no remaining domain. remaining domain. 5. Insertion: Adjoin a new element x to the index set I and define a 5. Insertion: Adjoin a new element x to the index set I and define a corresponding value of the function at x.corresponding value of the function at x.6. Deletion: Delete an element x from the index set I and restrict the 6. Deletion: Delete an element x from the index set I and restrict the function to the resulting smaller domain.function to the resulting smaller domain.10


