So______they.? -Kangkang plays football well. So______we.? -They visited the farm. So______he.? -I have been to Beijing. So______he.? -Mike will leave here. So______Maria.?⑵-She isn’t a good worker. -Neither /Nor_____I.? -He won’t go swimming. -Neither ______we.? -They have never been to Fuzhou. -Neither______he.? -We can’t go to the cinema. -Neither ______they.РamРshouldРdoРdidРРhasРwillРamРwillРhasРcanР*Р可编辑课件Р*РРSome expressionsР6.5亿的人口??增加了….. ?美国的人口是多少???发展中国家?发达国家?它确实是这样。 ?实施Рa population of 6.5billion? increase by?what’s the population of America??developing country?developed country? So it is?carry outР*Р可编辑课件Р*