E N DРT H EРNaturalРDisastersРEND OF A DISASTERРNew words:? 1:SDF 日本自卫队? 2:core n 果核中心核心? 3:estimate v 估计评估? n 估计估价? 4:victim n 受害者灾民? 5: Casualties n 伤亡Р1РJapan EarthquakeРAt 13:46 on March 11, 2011 (13:46 GMT) occurred 9.0 earthquake in the western PacificР9.0 earthquakeР1РJapan EarthquakeРAt 13:46 on March 11, 2011 (13:46 GMT) occurred 9.0 earthquake in the western PacificР2РThe impact of the Japanese economyРAt 13:46 on March 11, 2011 (13:46 GMT) occurred 9.0 earthquake in the western Pacific