至一万辆。Р 4.如今,各地方政府几乎无一不在探讨有关生态农村、生态城镇或生态城市计划的话题。Р 5.全世界大约一半的人口居住在城市,所以研究能缓解城市对环境影响的途径势在必行。РB. Read the text and translate it into Chinese.Р Once at a supermarket, I read a thought-provoking sign at the check-out counter. It said the store was using only plastic bags. The supermarket claimed that the energy and exhaust fumes expelled to produce and transport the same number of paper bags outweighed the fact that plastic wasn't biodegradable. Paper bags take up more space and require more trucks for transport, so the store believed it was lessening its carbon footprint by using plastic. It got me thinking further. Why not ask for plastic and bring your used plastic bags each time you visit the grocery store? If you use them five or six times, or until they start falling apart, you have really