he tremendous shouts of theРhilarious multitude, in which her one despairing shriek was lost andРdrowned!Р Would it not be better for him to die at once, and go to wait for her inРthe blessed regions of semi-barbaric futurity?Р And yet, that awful tiger, those shrieks, that blood!Р Her decision had been indicated in an instant, but it had been madeРafter days and nights of anguished deliberation. She had known she wouldРbe asked, she had decided what she would answer, and, without theРslightest hesitation, she had moved her hand to the right.Р The question of her decision is one not to be lightly considered, and itРis not for me to presume to set myself up as the one person able to answerРit. And so I leave it with all of you: Which came out of the opened door,--Рthe lady, or the tiger?Р 8