
【英文原著类】NARRATIVE OF THE LIFE of Frederick Douglass(弗里德里克道格拉斯传)

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sweeps along. Again, weРhave known you long, and can put the most entire confidence in your truth,Рcandor, and sincerity. Every one who has heard you speak has felt, and, IРam confident, every one who reads your book will feel, persuaded that youРgive them a fair specimen of the whole truth. No one-sided portrait, --noРplaints,--but strict justice done, whenever individualРkindliness has neutralized, for a moment, the deadly system with which itРwas strangely allied. You have been with us, too, some years, and canРpare the twilight of rights, which your race enjoy at the North,Рwith that "noon of night" under which they labor south of Mason andРDixon's line. Tell us whether, after all, the half- free colored man ofРMassachusetts is worse off than the pampered slave of the rice swamps!Р 10


