9Р References 69Р9 Modeling of Heat and Solute Flows during Solidification of Droplets 70Р R. Heringer, Ch.-A. Gandin, G. Lesoult, H. HeneinР Abstract 70Р9.1 Introduction 70Р9.2 Experimental 71Р9.3 Modeling 72Р9.3.1 Macroscopic Heat and Solute Flows 72Р9.3.2 Front Tracking and Growth Velocity 73Р9.3.3 Microsegregation and Mushy Zone Solidification 74Р9.3.4 Initial and Boundary Conditions, Numerical Implementation 75Р9.4 Results 76Р9.5 Concluding Remarks 80Р Acknowledgements 81Р References 81Р10 Thermo-physical and Physical Properties for Use in Solidification ModellingР of ponent Alloys 82Р N. Saunders, Z. Guo, A. P. Miodownik and J-Ph. SchilléР Abstract 82Р10.1 Introduction 82Р10.2 Technical Background 84Р10.2.1 The Scheil-Gulliver Approach with Modification for fast C andР N Diffusion 84