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t. When they have done this, 'secretaries' Р e to the board and write up all the words. Then the learners scan the text and see Р how many of the words are in the text. Which group got most words right? Р  Write the title on the board and ask the learners, in groups, to tell simple stories on the Р subject of the title. Again, they read the text and find out how it's the same and how it's Р different. Р Here are some ideas I use for motivating my students during the actual reading stage: Р  Select some simple sentences from different parts of the text and write them on the Р board. Learners put them in the correct order and predict the story in groups. (Variation Р on the idea above) If it's an action story, get learners to act out or mime the sentences in Р groups. Р 英语试卷 B 第 10 页共 11 页


