

上传者:科技星球 |  格式:pdf  |  页数:5 |  大小:0KB

h on the Japanese culturalР prototype and D onghua prototypeР GU Z hao hu iР (Co llege of Fash ion and A rt D esign, XAU EST , X i’an 710048, Ch ina)РAbstract: T h rough parative research on the Japanese cu ltu ral p ro to type and Donghua p ro to type,Рapparel p ro to type is fu rther know n and understood. P ro to type as a p roduct of age w ill be developed alongРw ith change of type of figu re and differences of body active function, apparel modeling, fash ion etc. T heРp revalen t p ro to type m ethod in Ch ina now ( It takes Donghua p ro to type fo r examp le ) has its ow nРadvan tages, bu t it also has som e disadvan tages. T here is a long w ay to go in developm en t of Ch ineseРapparel p ro to type.РKey words: apparel; cu ltu ral p ro to type; Donghua p ro to typeР 编辑: 董军浪; 校对: 武晖


