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se do not send me out alone РThey fight, Javert is knocked out. Valjean escapes. Not in the darkness on my own! Р Mme. Théardier: Р Enough of that, or I'll forget to be nice! Р You heard me ask for something, РCastle on a Cloud And I never ask twice! Р РYoung Cosette is working as a drudge in the Théardier's Young Eponine pushes Cosette out. Théardier says Рinn at Montfermeil. good night to his daughter as the inn fills up for the Р evening. РYoung Cosette Р There is a castle on a cloud, Р I like to go there in my sleep, Master of the House Р Aren't any floors for me to sweep, Р Not in my castle on a cloud. Drinkers: Р 3. Come on you old pest Р There is a room that's full of toys, 2. Fetch a bottle of your best Р There are a hundred boys and girls, 1. What's the nectar of the day? Р - 10 -


