tion Р Each valve shall be drained of any test fluid. The valve shall be packaged or the body ends covered to Р prevent the ingress of foreign matter. In the case of polymeric or elastomeric seated valves the seating shall Р also be protected from ultra violet light. Р Protective caps for valves with flanged end connections shall be in accordance with EN 12351. Р The obturator of valves that can be damaged in transit shall be provided with some means of temporary Р --`,,,,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- restraint. Р Double disk check valves shall be prepared for transport in the closed position. Р B ©SI 02 J3002 yrauna РCopyright British Standards Institution РReproduced by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy РNo reproduction working permitted without license from IHS 标准分享网 for Resale 免费下载