wer Pa-Рlaeozoic Erathem.The deposit is a low temperature hydrothermal Pb-Zn deposit controlled by faulted frac-Рture zone.The host rocks include limestone,limestone dolomite,pelitopsammite,and siltstone.The oreРstructures of Pb-Zn deposit are mainly in vein or iated forms,and part of them are in massive or dissem-Рinated forms.silicification,carbonatization and chloritization are closely related to mineralization of Pb-ZnРores.Based on geological,geophysical and geochemical data,the author believes that ore-bearing faultedРfracture zone in No.I and No.II ore-body has a great deepening trend into the depth,and the deep level inРthe mining area has a favorable prospecting potential.РKey WordsР :Pb-Zn deposit,metallogenic condition,geological characteristic of deposit,Damiaoling,GuangxiР 277