
改良A2O工艺毕业设计 (含任务书)

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peripheral-overflow Radial Sedimentation Tanks were choosen as the second Clarifier which Рdiameter is 70 meters and hydraulic retention time is 2.0 hours The effluent disinfected with Liquid РChlorine shall attain to the discharge standard. The Sludge treatment system including Sludge Рthickening 、⃝Sludge digestion and the Sludge dewatering ,after all this step the dewatering sludge Р will be removed by cars. Р The sludge will be disposed outwards after sludge thickening and dewatering. The Radial Р sludge thickening basin , Which diameter is 10.5 meters. The total project investment is Р 8 3 Р0.81×10 yuans, The cost of wastewater treatment is 0.78 yuan/m . Р Р РKey Words: work , wastewater treatment plant , Rotational flow grif chamber ,РRadial Sedimentation Tank , Improved A2/O tank Р 3


