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ng l, H U P an 一fe n g l,Р X IE X iu 一yu l, W A N G L i一yin g lР (1.ShaanxiEleetrie Pow er Researeh Institute, X i an 710054, ChinaР 2. T ongehuan Pow er Sup ply B ureau , T ongeh uan 72 703 1, C h ina;Р 3.Y an an Power Supply Bureau, Y an an 7 16000, C hina)РA bstract: A eeording to the requirem entof labora to砂 joint pre ssurization testfo r the break of U H V 1 10{) kV G IS eireuit bre akers ,Рthis paper studies thre e test m odes fo r the jointpre ssurization ineluding respeetively using pow er fre queney voltage, lightning im pulseРvoltage and sw iteh ing im pu lse vo ltage, an d also gives re asonable and fe asible test m ethod s eonsideri ng test eq uipm en t, test para m etersРand im P lem en tation seh em e.РKe y w ords:U H V :G IS eireuitbreaker; bre ak:joint pre ssuri zationР 砚翻


