ng: 1150 - 850°C 850 - 880°C/air 650 - 700°C/furnace 880 - 980°C 830 - 870°C/water 630 - 650°C 780 - 820°C/water 150 - 200°C Treated for cold shearability, +S: Soft annealed, +A: Treated for strength, +TH: Treated for ferrite and pearlite structure and hardness range, +FP: max. 255 HB max. 229 HB 179 - 229 HB 159 - 207 HB Mechanical Properties: after hardening and tempering at 200°C: Diameter d [mm] d <= 16 16 <d <= 40 40 <d <= 100 Tensile strength R [N/mm2] min. 1200 min. 1100 min. 900 Time-temperature-transformation diagram for continuous cooling Hardness HV 431 362 324 271 208 158 Lambda-Value 0,03 0,15 1,0 6,5 5°/min 1,25°/min Time-temperature-transformation diagram for isothermal cooling Hardness [HV / HRC] Hardness scatter band