
《时间的皱纹》A Wrinkle in Time(推荐阅读).pdf

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d expect us to," Dennys added. "We know you have a great mind and all. Mother," Sandy said, "but you don't have much sense. And certainly Meg and Charles don't." "I know. We're morons." Meg was bitter. "I wish you wouldn't be such a dope, Meg. Syrup, please." Sandy reached across the table. "You don't have to take everything so personally. Use a happy medium, for heaven's sake. You just goof around in school and look out the window and don't pay any attention." "You just make things harder for yourself," Dennys said. "And Charles Wallace is going to have an awful time next year when he starts school. We know he's bright, but he's so funny when he's around other people, and they're so used to thinking he's dumb, I don't know what's going to 第10页共90页/原版英语阅读网


