and Radar Performanee,”IEEE'V01.42, N0.4,1989,PP.844.847. ASoftware forAtmospheric Transmission Modelling Over 0.1and 1000GHz Dong Ai and XuXiaojian School ofElectronic and Information Engineering,BeiHang University 37XueYuan Road,Beijing,100083,China Abstract:This paper studies theatmospheric transmission models over O.1-1000 GHz frequency band. Situations that cause significant attenuation ofmicrowave and millimeter wave are considered.By integrating the EOSAEL and other models published,a software foratmospheric pleted·Using a layered model,attenuation forboth horizontal and slantpath can becaculated.Typical results are presented to demonstrate theusefulness ofthe current software package. Keywords:microwave;millimeter wave;atmospheric transmission;specific attenuation;refractive index