k Vehicle at Trunk:Р With Keyless Go key present:Р Operate trunk release lever (green arrow)Р – Only trunk lid will unlockР • Upon closing, the trunk locksР again and alarm is resetР • KG will not allow trunk to latchР if a key is left insideРActivating key lock switchР(S134) will prevent KGРunlocking at trunkР 8РTo Switch On Ignition or Start Engine:Р With Keyless Go key present:Р – Press button once for circuit 15RР – Press button twice for circuit 15Р – Press button a third time withР doors closed for circuit 15CР – Pressing button with brake pedalР activated and gear selector in PР will start engineРNote: If key is removed after a KG start, instrument cluster warnings willРoccur and engine may shut off while drivingР 9РTo Switch Off Engine:Р Place transmission in P and press buttonР 10