density (W/cm ) 2 Power dissipation=greatest obstacle for Moore’s law! Modern processor chips consume ~100W of power of which about 20% is wasted in leakage through the transistor gates. The traditional means of coping with increased power per generation has been to scale down the oper ating voltage of the chip but voltages are reaching limits due to thermal fluctuation effects . Traffic jam inside chips today 微电子学、集成电路发展的瓶颈电子运动过程中受到的散射: 芯片发热、速度慢 Info highway for chips in the future 未来信息高速公路自从近100年前超导量子态被发现以来的一种新的量子态拓扑量子态(拓扑绝缘体) Conductor Insulator 材料的分类: 能带理论( 固体物理的能带论) Topology ( 拓扑学) 拓扑学是近代发展起来的一个研究连续性现象的数学分支。拓扑学主要研究几何图形在连续变换下的不变性质和不变量。 g=0 g=1 food tool g=1 g=2 g=3 g=0 自由电子(m, e) : E=1/2 mV 2 固体材料中的电子(e, m # ) : 近自由电子近似: E=( ? K) 2 /2m # E ∝ K 2 抛物线型的能量色散关系