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orrection data was much better than those from unmatched data. After the application of registration and C correction, the slope of the linear correlation equation between the incident angle cosine value and the reflectance was reduced by 89 . 4 percent, the terrain effects of the shadow area and the highlight area on the lunar surface was eliminated. We con - cluded that the actual reflectivity information from lunar surface could be closely assessed after applying registra - tion and topographic correction to IIM data, which could provide a sound basis for the inversion of chemical ele - ments and minerals based on IIM data. K e y w o r d s : Chang ’ E- 1; IIM; LOLA; registration; C Correction; topographic correction * C o r r e s p o nding author: SHI Run he, E-mail: rhshi@geo.ecnu. 125


