安全管理在施工中的应用分析[J].中国安全生产科学技术,2012,8(7) :169 - 173.[ 8 ] 田军,张朋柱,王刊良,等.基于德尔菲法的专家意见集成模型研究[ J ] .系统工程理论与实践,2004,24(1) :57-62.(责任编辑李蕾)On the Application of Big - data Analysis to Fire Fighting Prediction Based on Hine LawSHAO Xiaofeng( Shenzhen Municipal Fire Brigade, Guangdong Province 518028, China)Abstract:In this paper, a computing and analyzing model of a small fire, foreboding signs, fire causes and fire oc-currences is formulated based on Hine Law and Mining Association Rules. An analysis table is formed in which anassociation degree between these elements can be known and the improvement can be done accordingly to enhancefire safety.Key words :firemen ;Hine Law; Association Rules; fire prevention? 51 ?