
2022年高考英语热点词汇+练习:主题06 旅游与交通(学生版+解析版)

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80左右 ;\r2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 。\r【参考范文 】\rLadies and Gentlemen,\rWelcome to Beijing! My name is Li Hua, and I feel honored to be your guide for the tour. Now, I'd like to\rtell you something about Beijing.\rBeijing, also known as Peking, is the capital of China and the centre for politics, economy and culture. It\renjoys a long and rich history. There are numerous heritage sites and wonderful examples of ancient architecture,\rsuch as the world-famous Great Wall, the Temple of Heaven and the Forbidden City. Besides sightseeing places,\rthere are many delicious food such as Peking ducks and Beijing snacks. There is no doubt that Beijing is really a\rgood place to tr·avel around. .\rI hope you all have a pleasant time here.


