

上传者:苏堤漫步 |  格式:pdf  |  页数:73 |  大小:7976KB

wrong with my watch.\r/ There isn ' t anything wrong with my watch.\r6. How early t he cock gets up! 7. How he wish to be a teacher!\r8. Don't come back at once. 9. The boy doesn't like dancing, does he?\r10. Don' t smoke in the classroom. 12. What bad news it is !\r11. What an interesting story this is! How interesting a story this is!\r13. Let 's go out for a walk. 14. She's gone to Paris, hasn't she?\r15. Rose seldom goes skating, does she?\r16. We don't believe Jack has stole n your money, has he?\r17. There is not hing left , is there?\r18. I am dishonest, aren't I?\r19. Be careful, wi 11 you?\r20. Let ' s sing t he English song, shall we?


