
2022年人教版中考英语 短文填空专练(无答案)

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. She opened the basket, it was full of gold!\rThe old woman was very greedy(贪婪),shedecided to 5._ for the sparrow's home. She used to\rtreat the sparrow very badly.Finally, the old woman saw the spa1Tow, but the sparrow said nothing to her. Then,\rshe decided to go home. Before she left, she 6._ for a present. "My husband got a basket of gold\ryou, "she reminded the bird.\r"All right, " replied the sparrow, "I offer you two choices. One basket is light and 8._ other is\rheavy. Just choose one. But you can 9. open the basket when you arrive home !\rThe old woman cried out, " I'II take the 10. one. " So the woman carried the heavy basket to her\rhome. But when she opened the basket, it was full of stones.


