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d one. He would thank them because he did not want lo hurt th e ir feelings, but then gave them away to the f ir s t child he saw. He\rsaid, "I don't need a watch. I know when it, s daylight, when i t 's dark, and when I'm hungry. *\rHis love for running never dimmed, but in the year 2000, he suffered a mild stroke that ended h is heroic running days. C liff Young,\rthe running legend, passed away on November 2, 2003. He was 81.\rT o th is day, C liff Young remains a magnificent reminder and b rillia n t example of how ordinary individuals can inherently achieve\rremarkable re su lts. As the famous saying goes, *Where th e re 's a w ill, th e re 's a way!” With determ ination and preparation, we can\rachieve d istin c tio n and be a b r i11iant example lo others.


