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words.\rA: They dont really think you took it, do they?\rB: 1 don't know. I just know V ve never been asked so many questions\rin my life.\rA: How many of them were there?\rB: Three-but there was one of them who kept asking really stupid\rquestions.\rA: Like what?\rB: Oh, he wanted to know what time I got up this morning and if I bad\ra bath or a\rshower - you know, things like that.\rA: What on earth has that got to do with some money disappearing?\rB: r ve no idea. Oh yes, and the most ridiculous thing. He asked me what\rI had for\rbreakfast this morning.\rA: Oh well, thats it. They obviously think you' re a desperate criminal\rand you have\rto steal to eat. I should think you' 11 get thirty years.\rB: Hmm. Tharik you very much.


