.asìHa s _`\nPpNÐÑa s :HíT¨îh\rG\r1 . ïð\ra s_`\nP`:Hp?PTdPTePb\rThe explorer took only such men and things as he really needed into the jungle.\ras? neededdPz chñòóôõö`÷Á{,øùLMOúû\rSuch people as have made great contributions to the world should be greatly respected.\ras:\nPH?Pz¾,üýþêÿ 0@P`p?0\rLet* s meet at the same place as we did yesterday. a s\r????\r0\rYou can take as many as you need. as??need0? !"#$%&'()\rShakespeare is a famous writer, as ev ery body knows. as knows 0?*+,-./\r001234@56\r2 . 7890?\ra s:;03<?=>?89@:BBCD.??\rAs everybody knows, Shakespeare is a famous writer.EFG@H6I2*+,-.FJ/0\r01\rK@2a s :;0?!"??L?MN?OP?QRS!TUV\rShakespeare, as everybody knows, is a famous writer.\rF. “XY+ [\]Y”_`